How Does It Work

Already a believer in the power of crystals? Crystal bed therapy is a multisensory, meditative experience that takes crystal energy to the next level.
Crystal bed therapy typically involves spending at least an hour lying on a bed that rests under a a chromotherapy machine (crystal colour therapy) which uses crystals to filter spectrums of light onto the crown chakra. Each color is thought to target a specific meridian, or energy center, in the body.
When I facilitate sessions, I'll start by talking with a client about the energetic blockages they are facing before starting the chromotherapy machine. As my clients are lying on a table, during with each of the seven chakras and gently guide them through a visual meditation. The sound bowls are attuned to 432 hertz, which is considered a healing frequency.
What does crystal bed therapy help with
As human beings on this Earth, we're always absorbing energy from other people and the world around us. When we are weighed down energetically, our flow is blocked and life can become stagnant. So far, this is the most powerful tool I've discovered to break through negative energy and help people feel physically, mentally, and spiritually clear. Other benefits I've seen my clients enjoy include better creative flow, more mental clarity, and less stress.
Though I often work with people going through physical or emotional hardship and deep transitions, you don't have to be going through a hard time to benefit from crystal bed therapy. Many turn to my work for a reboot raise their positive vibrations. I would recommend regular energy clearings on the crystal light bed every four to six weeks. Clearing your energy is like taking a shower or taking your car in for a tuneup: Regular maintenance is required to hold on to those higher vibrational states.
Who's ready for some crystal-clear energy……
How much does it cost?
$110 / 60 Minute session 
$150 / 90 Minute session with additional energy balance modalities.