Cell Wellbeing Hair Analysis
Is you body nutritionally balanced for life?
Discover the answers in just 15 minutes using our non-invasive German technology and receive your own personalized Optimize Wellness Nutritional Report and Programme.

- We assess your epigenetics for vitamins, parasites and viruses, nutrition, toxins, antioxidants, microbiology, minerals, fatty acids, EFA and EMF (radiation), as well as system supports including adrenals, digestion, brain health, circulation, and emotions to help unlock your epigenetic potential.
- Quick, Convenient and Affordable process.
- Cutting-edge technology to help you with your wellbeing.
- The session includes a comprehensive 32 page health and wellbeing report along with a complimentary 30 minute consultation, based on your test results so you can maximize the benefits and streamline your pathway to health and wellbeing.

What is Epigenetics?
In the Global Health Show Series of videos, Dr Bruce Lipton explains Epigenetics and how the understanding of the new biology can transform your health.
Terenzo Bozzone, 5X World Triathlon Champion, explains how Cell Wellbeing has helped him.
Modern day living has many common influences that can have an impact on and affect your body’s underlying wellness. These include foods eaten and nutrients absorbed: along with many common environmental influences at home and work.
Collectively, these are known as epigenetics.

Scientists now understand that your genes are largely influenced by the environment; up to 98% in some cases. These eye-opening developments can take you down a different path where your genetic inheritance no longer controls you and instead you become empowered and in control of your own destiny.
Now, personal epigenetic indicators can be mapped for you in less than 15 minutes with only four strands of hair, using the Cell Wellbeing Digital S-Drive system.
Hair is an amazing, almost indestructible, bio-marker that carries a lot of personal information at a quantum epigenetic level. Your hair samples are digitally processed and sent via a secure internet connection to our technology centre in Hamburg, Germany.
There, our powerful super-computer systems map the relevancy of the epigenetic information. Over 800 key wellness indicators are mapped and used to create the charts and tables which make up the complete report and 90 day plan.

Download the Cell Wellbeing Leaflet
Download the Cell Wellbeing Leaflet for Athletes and Sports People
The Wave Equation, The Signature Wave, Entanglement and the S-Drive – Paper by Dr Carlos Orozco
Dr Bruce Lipton on the Global Health Show – 10 Episodes